tirsdag den 21. februar 2012

The Queers!!

So I guess if the band won't  come to you, you gotta come to the band.

I've always been a huge fan of traveling to see bands, mainly because I'm from Denmark, a tiny country, with a pretty small scene. Going to Berlin, Holland and London for shows is something I do from time to time, to see bands i like. But some bands never cross the pond though.

One of my favorite bands is the adorable pop-punk band, The Queers, from New Hampshire. I suppose most of you know 'em, but for those who don't I would say they're a mix between Ramones, Beach Boys and Black Flag or something, and they write cute songs about girls, drinking beer and  being sick of everything/everyone.

For some reason, this band canceled a numerous amount of Euro-tours, over the last couple of years, which means I never got to see the band live. So when I found out, they were playing (with Far From Finished and Ataris) during my short stay in America, I was so stoked.

Now, I've heard a lot of people complaining about this band over stuff like "they're old and grumpy", "they never play any of their hit songs" and so on, so I was kinda worried about getting my hopes too high (but then again... Which band isn't old and grumpy these days?).
But they went on stage and NAILED it. This has got to be one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. A set containing pure classics, loads of energy, great crowd control and like 7 encores.
I got to exchange a few words with lead singer Joe Queer, who's supposed to be the most grumpy man in pop-punk history, after the show and it obviously turned out he was quite nice.
If you get a chance, go see 'em live. Right now they're doing an America/Canada tour, and they've scheduled a Europe tour (warning! They might cancel). I'll post the dates underneath.
 Oh! Wait! I forgot to mention that Far From Finished did great (this is another one of those bands that I've always wanted to see) and Ataris was such a waste of time.

On a different note

I saw Houseboat during my stay, and they did pretty good, but what's up with these bands just interacting with their friends from stage? I mean, what do I care who you used to date or whatever?

Stop by for my next blog post, where I tell you about this club I'm doing, called Born Bad.


                                                    The Queers


 Queers Tour Dates
Feb 21st- Wilkes-Barre, PA @ Redwood Art Space (AA)
Feb 22nd- Morgantown, WV @ 123 Pleasant St. (AA)
Feb 23rd- Athens, OH @ The Union (AA)
Feb 24th- Lansing, MI @ Mac's Bar (AA)
Feb 25th- Chicago, IL @ Reggie's Rock Club (AA)
Feb 26th- Indianapolis, IN @ The Melody Inn (21+)

AA = All Ages
*Feb 8th-26th w/ The Ataris and Far From Finished*

------------------Europe 2012----------------------

2 March - Roma - Init
3 March - Napoli - Sudterranea
4 March - Taranto - Gabba Gabba
5 March - Bari - Socrate Occupato
6 March - Latina - Rockin
7 March - Savignano Su Rubicone (FC) - Sidro
8 March - Firenze - Ex Fila
9 March - Montecchio Maggiore (VI) - E20 Underground
10 March - La Spezia - Skaletta Rock Club
11 March - Torino - United Club
12 March - Villadossola (VB) - Titty Twister
13 March - Fidenza (PR) - Arci Taun
14 March - Trezzo sull'Adda (MI) - Amigdala Theatre
15 March - Oslo - John Dee
16 March - Fredrikstadt - Helheim
17 March - Lillehammer - Felix
18 March - Moss - House of Rock

--------------------UK- March 2012-------------------

21st March- Prince Albert, Brighton
22nd March- Boston Music Room, London
23rd March- Old Bell, Derby
24th March- Star & Garter, Manchester
25th March- Captains Rest, Glasgow
26th March- The Well, Leeds
29th March- Waterfront, Norwich
30th March- Soundhouse, Leicester

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